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5 Ways to Turn Around Blue Monday and Beat the Winter Blues

Posted on January 2020

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โ€‹With the festive period truly over, January is a difficult month for many supply chain professionals. This is particularly true on the dreaded Blue Monday. The weather in most parts of Germany ranges from grey and wet to freezing and the daylight hours are still at an annual minimum. So if you are feeling particularly down today, you are not alone.

The Story Behind Blue Monday

British psychologist Cliff Arnall came up with a formula in 2005 incorporating factors such as time since Christmas and the weather. This formula determined the third Monday in January as the โ€œmost depressing day of the yearโ€ or โ€œBlue Monday.โ€ While the formula itself is debatable, scientists agree on the validity of seasonal affective disorder (SAD).

Lacking motivation, feeling low and uninspired, not enjoying usually fun activities and suffering from fatigue are only some of the SAD symptoms affecting around 2.5% of Germans.

How to Beat Blue Monday

If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms on a longer basis, it requires the attention of a specialist. But if you feel you are affected by Blue Monday or SAD specifically, we have written up a few scientifically proven tips on how to work against the winter blues.

Download our guide for 5 easy to implement tricks to turn Blue Monday around.




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